
Monday, March 31, 2014

Rainy days and Baptisms

FAMILY! Hello My Family!

I miss you all so much! We had such a successful week this week! I absolutely love Gianola, Melo! Everyone is right...it is the Promised Land! 

Yesterday, we had 5 baptisms! It was excellent. Our sweet investigators made the decision to be baptized! It is seriously the most rewarding experience to see these people that you have spent hours with, teaching them, developing relationships and friendships with, watching their testimony and knowledge grow little by little, and then seeing them enter into the waters of baptism! wow takes my breath away! As they each came out of the water, I held their towels for them and gave them each a big, huge, wet hug. Each of them had the biggest smiles on their face and they said, "Yo se que soy una hija de Dios!" wow the spirit was so strong. So grateful I get to have experiences like this that help increase my own testimony. 

The members in the ward are so great. They feed us and love us! One day this week, we were eating at a members house. Both of her daughters were at school and they were so sad that they couldnt eat lunch with the hermanas. Well, the mom received a call from the school saying that her daughter was sick and needed to come home. The mom ran to pick her daughter up while we finished eating lunch. Turns out the daughter faked sick to come home to see us. It was hilarious! We are fed fideos and tuco every lunch...(its white noodles and sauce). I had a dream one night that I came home from my mission and you mom had fixed me noodles and sauce! Even in my dreams, I am dreaming about how I do not want to eat fideos and tuco! haha!

The Lord is truely blessing us. Before the mission, I lived a happy life. I had a family who loved me and lived the gospel. I worked, went to school, etc. I thought I was happy, which I was, but here I have experienced so much happiness. I feel like my heart is going to burst! 

I know this gospel is true with all of my heart. I would give my life for my Savior!

I love you family and miss you each and everyday. Keep working hard and obeying the commandments!

Hermana Coon

The house that I am living in is the blue turquoise.

I will take more pictures of the houses, but here are a few! SO FUN! TYPE 1! HAPPY!

 They got their packages! Hermana Chavez and Coon!

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