
Monday, March 17, 2014

Pomised Land

Hello My Precious Family!
What a fun week you have all had in Utah with the wedding of Rebecca and the snow activities. Looks like a blast...I kinda feel like I am missing out on all of the fun, but Melo is definately a new adventure...a new kind of fun, I guess.
Its funny because my companion and I, Hermana Montenegro, came from one of the most difficult areas in the mission to the area that everyone wants to serve in...Gianola, Melo! It is called the "Promised Land" or "La Tierra Prometida" and this week, we have seen why it is called this. Hermana Montenegro and I have had our jaws open with shock everyday. The church building is huge, like a temple on a hill...seriously! We came from a little branch of 50 people and now to a great ward who supports missionary work! The little pueblito in Gianola are so friendly and happy. It doesnt matter if they are members of the church or not, everyone invites us in to their house and they feed us. One day this week, a random lady that we talked to on the street invited us in to her house and she fixed us tortas fritas. (She was actually a very interesting person...she believes she is the "Salvadora" of the world and is going to marry Christ...etc) Yesterday, we had another random family invite us for a second lunch of asado, lamb, etc. One day they will be baptized after they stop smoking. But mom, I think you would die at the animals...purring at our feet as we eat...
I feel like each cambio Heavenly Father is challenging me more and more...training, whitewash,  now a companion who doesnt speak a word of english. I know that it is for my good.
Here is a little bit about my companion...She is from Costa Rica. She is a convert of 2 years and none of her family are members of the church. None of them! And the sad part about it is that her family does not support her. She left for the mission not knowing if she will have a place to live when she comes home. Now that is faith and dedication and testimony! She is a powerhouse. Her mom writes her and a few friends, but no one else. I was thinking that you guys could write her like you did with Hermana Chavez! Her email is mauren.montenegro myldsmail.net. I just cant even imagine not having a supportive family while on the mission because the mission alone is difficult. She loves and misses Hersheys and Nerds and doesnt have hardly any clothes, especially for winter. I worry about her.
Mom, that story is hilarious about the Relief Society lesson and dad, thank you for emailing me my baby blessing. Crazy how closely related those words are to my patriarchal blessing. Amazing. I teared up a bit. James, Annie, Hannah...cant believe the next break for school is summer break! WOW! Time is crusin!
Have a great week and I will talk to you next week!
Hermana Coon

I thought you all would get a laugh at this email...I keep receiving handwritten letters in the bolsa and emails from missionaries in other missions. Its actually really creepy and funny at the same time...
This is what this elder said...
well Hey Katie coon ya you don't know me im just a bored missionary and I looked piano up on Mormon.org and you popped up and you were the cutest girl on there so I was like well whats the worst that can happen she doesn't write back? haha ya that would be pretty bad but the best that could happen is I could find an eternal companion. (awkward) anyways hopefully I can hear from you soon.
(I havent written back...haha.)

So, President Cook! He is great! I met him at changes and he is just a big teddy bear. He has a soft heart and cries a lot. Must be a Type 2, Type 1 secondary. Have fun and work hard! Love it! His wife is so sweet trying to speak spanish...aw.
Hi Hermana Coon. It was wonderful to meet you this week. We love your enthusiasm and the spirit of dedication you bring to this work. We will see you in a few weeks. Until then, have fun and work hard. (the two go hand in hand). Pres. Cook

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