
Monday, July 7, 2014

I love Uruguay

Dear Family,

First of all, before I say anything else, I just want to let you all know that Hermana Cox and I have decided that we are definitely coming back to visit Uruguay in a year or so. Our hearts are here forever! 

HOW FUN THAT YOU MET HERMANA COXS FAMILY!!!!!!!! We were literally screaming from happiness as we saw all the pictures! It was so fun! It was such a treat! We love eachother and we love that our families love eachother! We are like sisters! Please pray that we will never be changed as companions! haha. We will do the Lords will, we just hope that we will be together while doing the Lords will.

What a fun family reunion! I dont really know much that went on, but it sounds like it was a success!

We had such an excellent week which ended in our golden baptism of Jose Martin. It is just amazing to see the change in people. Something that was so cool was to see the Lords hand in his life guiding him to the gospel and guiding him to meet the missionaries. The gospel changes people! He told us that he felt like he has known us before, but its impossible because he has never been to the US and we have never been to Uruguay before. We just know that Hermana Cox, Jose Martin, and I were friends before we came to earth. And it was Hermana Coxs and my responsibility to find him here on earth to bring him the gospel...and we found our heaven friend! We are finding so many of our heaven friends here in Melo. His baptism was so special. The spirit was so strong. He told us that it doesnt matter how hard Satan works, he will never stray from the gospel. Hermana Cox and I go to bed every night, just beaming from happiness. I never thought it was possible to be so happy. 

We had a great intercambio (I dont know what the name is in english..) this Friday with some other great hermanas. We found some awesome people. I worked in my area with another hermana, Hermana Bustos from Chile, and Hermana Cox worked in their area with Hermana Diaz from Peru. Hermana Bustos and I found so many miracles in the pouring rain. Its so fun to know that my journal will be full with crazy experiences in the mission.

Its funny, Hermana Cox and I were talking about the mission yesterday, and before, we always heard of crazy stories happening to missionaries and we never thought that it would happen to us...but it has and is happening! We love the mission and we cry everynight because we never want to leave. This is the change that I have grown and changed the most. Hermana Cox has taught me so much. 

I love you family. Vamo arriba Uruguay! Its our holy land.

Love you,

Hermana Coon

 This week was the baptism of the best convert in the world...JOSE MARTIN!!!! He is the best! I cant wait to tell you more about him and his conversion process! He is our best friend! His uncle, Hugo, aka the funniest man in the world, baptized him. He is a convert too of almost a year!

Thought you would get a kick out of this. She is my twin! We are praying so hard that we will not get changed in 1 week! We dont want to leave eachother!

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