
Monday, July 28, 2014

My crazy tooth!

Buenas Días Familia!

¿Como han pasado? How are you all? It is so wonderful to hear from you every week. I look forward each week to receiving your emails! What I cannot believe is that school is starting so soon! We sure do live in a different world here in Uruguay. I am so happy that Annie enjoyed Girls Camp! I love girls camp! Those are some of the best memories! 

We have been super busy and like I have said before, the days go by faster and faster. This past week, we were traveling, this next week we will be traveling. It is such a blessing...the Lord truly blesses us when we are away from our area trying to help other areas. We were in the part of Uruguay this week called "33." (I bet you can look on the map to find it. Its about 1.5 hours from Melo.) We had such a busy and successful day doing an exchange with Hermana Johnson and Hermana Denos in their areas. I always learn so much from these hermanas. It was such a rainy and cold day, but Heavenly Father sure blessed us a ton. We had so many spiritual experiences and witnesses that the Lord was really guiding every one of our steps. One experience I will share was that we found this woman in the street and we began teaching her. The Spirit was so strong. As the wind was blowing and the sprinkling of rain came, we showed her the picture of Christ. We could tell that she has some difficult problems in her life. She began to cry and we testified that everyday we pray for the Lord to help us find people who need the gospel and that the Lord guided us to her. It was a powerful moment.

What is so cool, is hearing a few weeks later is that the people that you helped find during an exchange got baptized! During another exchange/intercambio, an investigator was telling us about a reference, that he was so great and that we needed to contact him. Well, right when we finished talking, guess who knocks on the door!?!? This exact reference! We invited him to be baptized right then and there. He accepted and this week he is getting baptized! It is so exciting to know that we are just small instruments in the hands of the Lord. This is why Hermana Cox and I love to have this calling as Sister Leader Trainers. It is so edifying and we feel so good all the time. We learn so much! I also feel so blessed as we do intercambios with new hermanas who are just learning the language. Hermana Cox and I stayed all amazed of the progress and the blessings that Heavenly Father has blessed us with. Since when did we know and understand spanish? The progress is so small each day...but Heavenly Father has blessed us with the gift of tongues that is for sure.

Well, I have a funny story to tell you...so hold your horses! You guessed it right, its about that silly ol tooth! President received your email, mom and so he called me. We made an appointment to go see the dentist. The super scetchy and super unsanitary south american dentist. He yanks the wiggly tooth out that would have stayed in and then trys to glue it back in. We leave the dentist office and then justo,Saturday night as I am brushing my teeth, my tooth falls out again! 

It was the funniest and most embarassing moment of my life. So here we are, imgaine Hermana Cox and I teaching the Gospel Principles class to all of our new converts. As we are teaching, my tooth just falls out!!! In front of my whole class!!! It was so awful and so funny. We didnt know whether to laugh or to cry, mostly because this week had been a week of some serious blessings and some serious trials with Hermana Cox and her stomach. Needless to say, we are okay. The Lord has heart our prayers and my tooth is safe and Hermana Coxs stomach is okay mas o menos. We are trying to enjoy the most out of these kind of experiences! When will be the next time when I can say that I lost my tooth in South America? haha

What I have really learned this week is that this is the Lords work. He is the boss of it all. We are just little instruments in his hands. Its like the dentist using his instruments to work on my mouth! haha. 

Thanks for your prayers this week and every week. I really love you, I hope you know that. Thank you for being my angels and my examples. xoxo

Until next week,

Hermana Coon

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