
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Share the gospel with everyone!

My Wonderful Family!

I love and miss you all so much! I love hearing from you each week. Sounds like it has been a good week for you all. Hannah, sorry you were sick all week! That is no fun! Annie, I LOVE your new clothes that you bought! WOW! They are so cute! And I love your glasses too! Mom says that I wont be able to recognize you when I come home! James, what a HARDWORKER you are. I loved you guys shared the gospel with your friend...please please please send the missionaries to his house! Wouldnt that be so cool if he was baptized because of your example? What a missionary you are. I can just see you being a stellar missionary! Mom and dad, it is getting super cold. Actually, today I bought a coat because I didnt have one! It was so fun shopping for the first time in 11 months! haha. I cannot believe that tomorrow is my 11 month mark in the mission! 

FELICITACIONES to Kendall!!!! I am so happy! Give her a giant hug for me and tell her that I love her and am so proud of her! She will be an excellent missionary. The mission will change her life tremendously!

Changes are here again! This is why I am writing on Tuesday. ¡Otra vez hay cambios! The news is I am staying here in Melo with Hermana Cox from Utah! I am so excited...my first "gringa" companion since my trainer! It is so interesting how the Lord knows our heart and he knows what we need. He knows us perfectly. 

We had a great week traveling! We went from Melo to Montevideo to Maldonado and Punto de Este and back to Melo all in 2 days. We had a conference as leaders and then conferences with the whole mission. I sent a few pictures on the conference...but let me just tell ya how fun the mission is and how many eternal friendships I have made here. Its like in the scriptures of the great missionaries like Alma and Ammom and their brethren. They rejoiced when they saw eachother. It is so the same here as missionaries today! Anyways, Elder Gonzalez from the seventy taught us for 2 days straight...first as leaders in the mission and then together with the whole mission. It was wonderful and I learned so much of how to teach better and how to be a better person. We have been putting into action what we learned in the conference and we are seeing miracles this week from it! 

I was thinking the other day about the missionary work at home. I need to seriously repent because I was not a good missionary at home. As I look at all of the people that I interacted with who werent members of the church, I realized that I could of so easily of shared the gospel with them. Everyone on earth already chose Gods Plan, the just dont remember it. Why wouldnt they choose it again? Ok family, I am challenging you to invite someone to church this week or to have a Family Night and invite a nonmember with the missionaries. (The missionaries will LOVE IT! trust me!) A challenge from the Hermana Coon. As missionaries, we always extend commitments every second of the day and expect the people to keep their "compromisos" (in spanish) or commitments. haha. Invite invite invite and share your testimonies and its a promise from our loving Heavenly Father that his spirit will testify of your words. I know that there are people at home searching for the truth too, they just dont know what they are searching for! 

I know that this gospel is true with all of my heart. I love being able to share my testimony everyday. And I love the spirit that I can enjoy everyday as well. Last night, as Hermana Ots and I taught a powerful lesson to our Familia de Oro (our golden Family, the Family De los Santos), I could feel this exact power and authority that we have as missionaries. We all ended the lesson crying because the air was as thick as butter. The spirit was there. This family is so prepared! With tears in her eyes, Jennifer told us that they were "esperando para nosotras." The have been waiting for 30 years..all of their lives to recieve the gospel. 

My heart is full. I am not the best missionary, I have a lot to learn. But I know that with the strength of the Lord, we can do everything. I know that with the strength of the Lord, you too, can find these Familias de Oro in our own neighborhood! 

I love you family! Les amo!

Hermana Coon

p.s. I am anxious to hear how your missionary experiences go! Keep my updated! xoxo

Reunited at last! Hermana Chavez and Herman Fuentes!

Playing with some effects on my camera before we picked up our investigators to go to church! I love you all!
my district and zone! vamo arriba! (Elder Lambert, the tall blonde, (my district leader) is from Mesa, Arizona!)

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