
Monday, December 23, 2013

Feliz Navidad mi familia!

I can hardly believe that I get to see your faces and hear your voices in 2 days! I am so excited, I can hardly wait! We are going to skype around 1, 1 30...no se what time this is at home for you all.

What a week of MIRACLES it has been. I actually just typed up a whole wonderful email, but the computer just deleted all of my words, so i will try to write quickly with the time I have left.

I want to tell you about my ORO! Hermana Fuentes from Guatemala! I love being a trainer! It is the absolute best. These oros come fresh into the mission field with such animo and excitement for the work. It is a breath of fresh air. The first thing that Hermana Fuentes did when she saw me was she gave me a million bear hugs and told me that her dad always told her that she is going to have a North American for her trainer! The second thing she asked me was, "How many people are we going to baptize this change?" I asked her what she thought, and she said 9! and i said OK! So we are going to baptize 9 people this cambio! haha love her energy and goals.

We have seen so many miracles this week and everynight, we come home and I kneel to pray and my heart is just full of gratitude for these many many blessings that we have received. The Lord is aware of our area, our needs, and He is preparing people for the gospel. I know it. I want to share with you a quick experience. It is interesting how the spirit works. I am loving learning how it works. We were walking past a house and we saw this woman and her two grandchildren. We walked a little bit past it, and then both my companion and I looked at eachother and said, "Necesitamos hablar con ella." And thats what we did. We began talking with her and I felt like we should talk about the plan of salvation with her. I asked her if she wanted to be with her family for eternity and she said Si! We began teaching her how we CAN be with our families forever. Water filled her eyes as she told us that she didnt believe in the resurrection. The spirit was so strong as we were teaching and sharing our testimonies. She was listening so intently. We felt like Alma and Amulek teaching with power and authority! I remember looking at her two grandchildren, toddlers and telling her that she has a beautiful family and it would be so unfair to live this life and not have a hope to see your beautiful family again. Our message is a message of peace and of joy and I KNOW that Heavenly Father has a plan for you and that you can be together FOREVER with your family. By the end of the lesson, we were all crying. We invited her to be baptized and she said YES or SI! We walked away from that charla so full of gratitude. We walked a few steps away from her house, knelt down on the ground covered in rocks and pebbles and probably dog poop and offered a prayer of gratitude to Heavenly Father because we know that all of these blessings come from him. We are just the mouthpieces to bring people unto Him. We have had experiences like this everyday. My sweet Oro keeps telling me, "I AM SO HAPPY!" Its true. 

One day we were running home in order to make it home in time at 9pm. As we were running through the shortcut, we were singing, "Called to Serve" in spanish. These words filled my heart with joy and we felt like we were running on clouds of happiness. haha cheesy, but true.

I love this gospel, family. Thank you for your support. I am so happy and even though it is really difficult being so far away from you, I know that this is what I am suppose to be doing with my life right now. The church is true. I am seeing this gospel of Jesus Christ change lives. And its changed my life.

I love you. See you in a few days!

Hermana Coon

  me accompanying the youth choir in the branch where I am serving! 
 Friends from the CCM! I dont know if you recognize them, but I love them! Hermana Gines and Hermana Benson! We are at the Christmas Conference!

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